
Industrial Revolution Essay Planning, Jack

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Industrial Revolution Essay

1.1 General Information

Due Date Topic Important Documents
Friday, December 18th 19th Century Transformations Mason, Bulliet, Ropp, and Gelvin

1.2 Prompt

*What factor or factors most strongly determined which states would become "winners" and "losers" in this time period (1815 to roughly 1900)?*

  • Address several examples
  • Show wins (GB, Japan, Germany, Italy) and show losses (Egypt, India, China, SEA, Africa)

1.3 Preparation

  • Erosion of tariff barrieriers + widespread free trade ideals => new international order
    • vs. Ottomans' promotion of control
  • Reliance on artisan and manual manufacturing instead of high-tech IR stuff => decline! b/c higher tech means more ability to leverage KBhHIST201IRonWarfare
  • IR created a discrepancy of technology, which is difficult to fight back from using old-style technology.
  • Winning strategy: nationalism. Loosing strategy: soverignty control (the Ottomans again) + seperatism
Concept Winning Solution Loosing Solution
Modern warfare Approaching industrialization and all the new-fangled KBhHIST201IRonWarfare that it brings, like what happened to the British Royal Navy how much, or centrol control
Trading Erosion of tariff barriers + widespread free trade ideals (a la European city-states) Controlling trade (a la the Ottomans' defense developmentalism)
State organization Germany's KBhHIST201GermanicNationalism Dynastarial control a la China; weak emperors => downfall

1.3.1 Quotes bin, too!

  • "Prussian success was due in large measure to the application of new technologies to logistics and warfare" @KBhHIST201MasonCh7 AA
  • "Despite a steady reduction in its own numbers after 1815, the Royal Navy was at some times probably as powerful as the next three or four navies in actual fighting power." @KBhHIST201KennedyCh4 BA
  • "The firepower gap, like that which had opened up in industrial productivity, meant that the leading nations possessed resources fifty or a hundred times greater than those at the bottom." @KBhHIST201KennedyCh4 BB
  • "The advanced technology of steam engines and machine-made tools gave Europe decisive economic and military advantages." @KBhHIST201KennedyCh4 BC
  • “the steam-driven gunboat meant that European sea power, already supreme in open waters, could be extended inland. … The ironclad _Nemesis … was a disaster for the defending Chinese forces, which were easily brushed aside.” @KBhHIST201KennedyCh4 BD
  • "conditions naturally encouraged long-term commercial and industrial investment, thereby stimulating the growth of a global economy." @KBhHIST201KennedyCh4 BE
  • "The erosion of tariff barriers and othermercantilist devices, together with the widespread propagation ofideas about free trade and international harmony, suggested that a newinternational order had arisen," @KBhHIST201KennedyCh4 BF
  • "Several distinct changes facilitated the expansion and transformation of Britian's overseas empire … new policies favored free trade over mercantilism" @KBhHIST201BritishRaj (Bulliet) CA
  • "To get around this, European states sought"sheltered markets” free from such restrictions to trade and found them in the colonies they estab- lished in Africa and Asia.” @KBhHIST201MasonCh8 DA
  • "Over the course of the nineteenth century, the Ottoman Empire backed away from … free trade that had done so much to integrate it into the world economy." @KBhHIST201GelvinChapter5 EA
  • "Attempts to establish state-run factories floundered … because … [of] shortages of skilled labors … [and] a lack of investment capital As a result, the state turned instead to programs that were intended to foster private industrial production." @KBhHIST201GelvinChapter5 EB
  • "Unification projects had the support of powerful states and leaders in Piedmont and Prussia and, in the Italian case at least, outside support (from France) as well." @KBhHIST201MasonCh7 FA
  • "Not by speeches and majority votes are the great questions of the day decided—that was the great error of 1848 and 1849—but by iron and blood" @KBhHIST201MasonCh7, FB, Otto Von Bismark
  • "His forceful actions to achieve German unification" @KBhHIST201MasonCh7 FC
  • "statesmen in Europe were using warfare and civic nationalism to forge powerful new nation-states" @KBhHIST201MasonCh7 FD
  • "When nationalism arises in multinational states or empires … national groups typically want to break away from the larger empire, which is dominated by other nationalities… [this] lead to the breakup of the Ottoman Empire." @KBhHIST201MasonCh7 FE
  • "But the Qing Empire was a vast, poor, mostly agricultural and overpopulated territory with a small, weak government, and the modernization efforts were confined to tiny coastal areas that had little impact inland." @KBhHIST101LateQingChina Ropp GA
  • "The court was torn between conserva- tive and reformist officials, and she maintained her power by alternating appeals to each group, allowing neither to dominate for long." @KBhHIST101LateQingChina Ropp GB

1.4 Claim Synthesis

Three aspects: embracing Industrialization-tech based military warfare that originated in Europe; promoting free trade and market economy; organizing states under civic top-down nationalism.

1.4.1 Modern Warfare

England, through utilizing KBhHIST201IRonWarfare, was able to gather a huge competitive advantage over other nations.

BC — new tech made military much better. They did two things: they made the navy much more economically and physically efficient but also just made them good ol' fashioned better.

Per the BA, the British royal navy was actually able to have a huge boost in fighting power even while reducing its count during the 1810s.

Such efficiencies is unrivaled even compared to the traditionally large nations. By embracing the KBhHIST201IndustrialRevolution, new conquirings are possible that would not have been possible before. BD against traditionally large nations that simply did not had the speed to embrace and master KBhHIST201IRonWarfare.

1.4.2 Free Trade and Private Production

After the BF Great War caused a disruptions of trade, European nations started to use and embrace free trade. BE.

In addition to its seapower, British domination could also be attributed to that of free trade. CA. European nations actively urged the process of free trade, even setting up colonies (DA) for the basic avoidance of interruption to free trade.

Sidenote, they also actively weaponized free trade a la opium war. => they were to willing back up and support free trade with their stronger army.

(Colonization is more mercantilist; so instead, talk about trade that is aligned with industrial needs. "what aspects of European trade was more successful?")

If a country does not follow the operations of free trade, they are very sad. See: the Ottomans + Defensive Developmentalism.

The principles of DD encouraged the creation of more centralized control of both military power and economy based on an anti-european sentiment. So, the Ottoms tried to EA — back away from trade. That was a bad idea: EB — their centralized control failed and they evenually turned back to relying on the free market + private production.

1.4.3 KBhHIST201Nationalism, namely

Civic Nationalism

:CUSTOMID: filekbhhist201nationalism.orgkbhhist201nationalism-namely-civic-nationalism

Powerful Nation-States were created by nationalism. FD

KBhHIST201GermanicNationalism worked! FA — countries like Italy and Germany supported the efforts of Nationalism.

Although not strictly a nationalist speech, FB — Iron and Blood — showed clear nationalist sentiments. he executed FC — forceful actions — that ensured the unification of Germany by consolidating Prussian power with those nearby: rallying under the image of Germanic civic nationalism.

When a country does not do nationalism, it does not go well.


  1. A country tries to enforce dynastarial control over disperate regions instead of an identity centered around nationalism, things go wrong. FE — seperatism is engendered, which does not promote the national identity definition to national ideals w/ common culture. This is party how the Ottomans went.
  2. A country tries to give up control and have weaker, local governance. This means that important national efforts like in China's case for westernization GA could have much lesser effect than if there were to be a stronger central government with shared ideals, which would safeguard against GB Cixi-style trading favourites and politiking

**For a nation-state to achieve global success and dominance in the 19th century, they must leverage the forces of industrial modernization — bringing increased fighting power of an industrialized modern military, the economic benefits of transitioning from mercantilism to free trade and market economy, and the centralized political control offered by top-down civic nationalism.”

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