
Late Qing China

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Late Qing China


The Qing dynasty's failure is centered upon the early Industrial Rev.

1.1 Failures of the Qing court

  • Considered the British as a lowly subject and dismissed their claims to increase trade and communication
  • Created a high trade deficit through the oblivious to trade through Confucian philosophy

1.2 The Opium Wars

  • The British used opium as compensation for the trade deficit between Britian=>China and China=>Britian
  • When Chinese officials began controlling the trade of opionum, it was both to late and also was handled with mixed results due to difference in opionion.
  • When sudden enforcement of trade occured, the British felt like it was an insult to the British crown and proceeded to wage war against the navally-weak China.
  • After loosing the opionum war, the Qing court had to agree to a series of supplicating agreements that ended with hurtful consiquences and CLAIM without realizing destroyed the foreign policies of China.

1.3 Beginnings of Unrest

  • The Taiping Movement
    • Taiping movement threatened the Qing government's (a.k.a. British) trading of opium, but supported the spead of Christianity (albeit the flavor where the emperor is Jesus' yonger brother.)
    • Power struggle in the Taiping regieme lead to internal collapse a few years later.
    • Manchu weakness forced them to give the Chinese-Chinese army more power to quell the movement

*In 1858, Anglo-French forces invaded Beijing, storming the summer palace, took over the Chinese tax system, and eventually basically established the Qing rule as a colony of the west.*

  • Kidnapped Chinese people to serve as indentured servants in the west.
  • Confusion officials called for "self-strengthening", usually to little results due to the argricultural-dependent Qing state.

1.4 Japan vs. China

  • The Chinese succeded Taiwan to Japan
  • Lead the Western nations to fear for the collapse of the profitable Qing dynasty
  • In turn, the Scramble for consessions occured where contries fervantly attempted to establish special trading licenses.
  • The uninvolved US issued "open door notes" to all contries, calling on opening China as a free trade zone.

1.5 The Empress Dowagers vs. Herself vs. The Europeans

  • The empress dowager's mismanagement of funds are CLAIM a symptom of the Qing court weakness.
  • Kang Youwei urged the emperor to issue many edicts of westernization, but was quickly crushed by the empress dowager cixi.
  • Conservatives seized the control of the Qing court, which resulted in more anger and mutiny throughout the country (but, interestingly, against western regions.)

1.5.1 Boxer Rebellion and the Final Countdown

  • The Boxer rebellion urged the whole country to dispose of any foreigners there may be for they believed that the foreigners were the root of Qing dynasty's problems.
  • The empress eventually supported their decision, causing the 8-nation army to invade and her to fleed to the countryside. After this, the e.d. decided to support westernization.
  • Urge for the adoption of constitutional monarchy created centers of opposition to the Qing imperial system.
  • Sun Zhongshan, after being found out to promote the overthrowing of the Chinese governement, fled to Japan and established his concept of revolution.
  • Qiu Jin — a woman revolutionary who studied in Japan and went back to China for the revolutionary cause. She was later executed for treasion.

2 CN1202020

China vs. Imperialism

The Dynastic Cycle…

  1. New Empire
    • Peace
    • Order
  2. Old Empire
    • Corruption
    • Incompetence
    • Downfaall
  3. Conflict
    • Natural Disasters
    • Invasions


The British acquired a large amount of tea, silk, and vermillion from China, but imported basically only Opium.

  • Opium => unproductivity
    • Weakened the productivity of China
    • Offset the trade deficit with Britian

Opium is technically illegal, so the whole operation is largely smuggling.

Taiping Rebellion

  • CLAIM @sushu: much more scary than even the Opium war
    • Took a large part of the country
    • Got control of a large part of grain and wheat production
  • 洪秀全 — Taiping Rebellion
    • Thinks that he is Jesus' old brother
      • Had a fever dream of visiting "father"
      • After hearing about Christian philosophy, ret-cons the dream into
    • Is a failed scholar who did not work for the government
    • Harnessed peasant discontent + cut South China away
  • To rapidly quell the Taiping rebellion…
    • Granted more army and power to the provincial government
    • Decentralized control, which caused problems down the line