

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Nationalism

1.2 Civic nationalism

"defining a nation from government down"

  • Achieving civic nationalism
    • army
    • media
    • propaganda
    • unified education
    • infrastructure
    • start a war + create a "other"
    • Civil service groups
  • Could be a benefit and a threat

Popular nationalism failed, but civic nationalism (top-down control) was a success in both Germany and Italy => Unification had both internal and external support

1.3 Failures of Nationalism

Nationalism does not always work! Poland tried nationalizing with little success, with Poland actually being founded after WWI

In other places in Europe, similar strategies had mixed success. Nationalism is successful for Greeks, Romanians, Norwegians Belgians, but failed for Irish and Czechs. It worked a bit for the Marxists in Russia, but that took longer.

Furthermore, the united nature of big nationalism countries like KBhHIST201GermanicNationalism brought bad results, like, uhh, the Nazis.