

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 Nation-States

Idea of a "nation" is actually a new thing => "group of people with a common culture, sense of identity, and political aspirations" (no longer monarch-soverignty based).

  1. Strong monarchs began creating stronger national states w/ breaking local lord power + consolidating governmental power
  2. National identity fostered by the culture (artists, writers, linguists)
    • Lit woks helped defined national groups + foster sense of identity
    • Musicians also contributed by adding elements local music into their composition
    • Dictionaries were compiled to the understanding of the local culture
  3. Ethnic groups began acquiring a common heritage => shapes identity => strengthens the heritage => KBhHIST201Nationalism

And boom! Nation-states. KBhHIST201Nationalism-engendered cultural states.