
Bulliet British Raj

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 Bulliet, British Raj

  • India became politically fragmented
  • EIC became dominant in Bengal though the avenging of Black Hole of Calcatta + overthrowing of nawab
  • South Asia became the hotbed of colonialism
    • Through a series of negotiations, persuation, and installation of Nawabs, EIC gained strategic control over much of India
    • Goals of british raj: remake india through British admin, British social reform, British economic development, and British Technology.
    • EIC Indian rule was inconsistent because CLAIM this is complicated!
    • EIC control — double edge sword. Created anglicized jobs, but destroyed original artisanship + handywork.
  • Goals:
    1. Create efficient government
    2. Disarm princes
    3. Christanizationificiation
    4. Revamp land holding claims
  • Brought also British celebrations and expansion of social class, property ownership, etc. to bolster EIC control.
    • Religious and tradition conflicted with Britian's requirement for solders.
    • Localized rebellions became empowered by the Indian British army committing mutiny due to religious conflict.
    • Woman's rights went to the dumps, so did the poor's rights. CLAIM: this was due to the brits trying to establish a sense of superority.
  • British admin change after 1858 rev…
    1. British men held high-level administrative posts and controled indian offocials. CLAIM: this is complicated! Not a mutiny — more soldiers and people; not a revolution — there was nothing they are representing themselves with.
    2. Lots of brits in the ICS, because they are damn racist.
    3. Britian consolidated rule after rebellion + centralized gov't
    4. Britian invested in Indian infrastructure and industry. (which promoted job growth)
    5. =>Used elaborate shows of wealth to maintain a sense of authority.
    6. British government also promoted introduction of high tech ASAP to India
      • Railroad allowed india to become more connected + intergrated while promoting british commerse & investment.
      • Trains also brought cholora, but it was quickly mitigated by installing filtrated water.
  • => CLAIM: indian nationalism spawn from the establishment of British India.
    • Nationalism spawn from the needs to reform the Indian society + improve education.
    • Rammohum Roy established schools promoting indian secular nationalistic ideals while promoting social reforms to India.
    • New nationalists came from the middle class — CLAIM propped up by increase in trade caused by Brits.