
Gelvyn Chapter 5

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 11:59

1 Gelvin Chapter 5

  • States fought over the emergent control after the crisis of the 17th century.
  • Employed the strategy of Defensive Developmentalism.

Defensive developmentalism: develop your country as a defense against others

"Developing because Europe is happening to you."

1.1 Defensive Developmentalism

Denfense developmentalism: centralizing authority by making goverment more efficient and managing resource better.

  1. Millitary reform to consolidate power.
  2. Control and coordinate population and resource
  3. Decipline population to become agents of State.
  4. Eliminated cash farming and augmented admin.
  5. DD encouraged the process of monopolization and direct contro

1.1.1 Problems in DD

  • Local suspicious caused difficulty in implementing centralized control
    • implimentation of government plans is difficult due to the emergence of local resistance.
    • New class of the educated under the new system championed the improved inclusion in governance. Many framed this plea as the plea for constitutional governance
  • the middle eastern implimentation of DD had focus on developing indurstry to support the DD processes such as the army => free trade is opposite DD, which caused paradoxical effects.
  • Centralization helped very little people except for the central government, making it resisted very widely.

1.2 Ottomans and DD

  • Ottoman DD happened in two periods.
    • Per. 1: tanzimat — the "liberal" period where constitutionalism was briefly trialed
    • Per. 2: promotion of direct control by the sultan.
    • Two phases' change was a change from bottom-up nationalism to top-down nationalism.
  • Process of DD impliementation
    • Ottomans first attempted economic control. That didn't go really well either — lack of monies and control.
      • After doing everything wrong, the Ottomans conceded to build an open economy and be connected
    • The widespread nature of the ottomans made it diffucult to have a central point of control.
    • Millitary reform was tried again, creating European-style New Corps. This was used to eliminate the janissaries.
    • System of equality actually promoted more discord between communites.
    • The efforts of bottom-up nationalisation was disliked by everyone except the hindus, b/c the Muslims felt that it hindered the dominance of the muslimes while the Christians wanted to avoid the widespread conscription

2 CN12092020

  • Nationalism begins taking place
  • Ottomans decline
    • Traditionalist values + religios schooling
    • Defensive Developmentalizm
      • Tanzimat Reform (1839)
        • Lead by Sultan Abdulmecid
        • Industrialization, tax reform, abolist millet system
      • Young Ottomans (1876)
        • Write and passed a constitution
        • The Sultan immediately abolistes it
      • Hamidian Reforms (1990)
        • Railroads, telegraphs, universities
        • CRackdown on dissent/Armenians