- Adv Mech Day 1 HW
- Marble Launcher
- Inertial Circular Motion
- Trajectories!
- Center of Mass
- Energy, a review!
- Physics 360 Translational and Rotational KE HW
- Rotational Kinetic Energy
- Rotational Inertia and Kinematics
- Escape Velocity
- Gravitational Potential and Center of Mass
- Deriving Rotational Energy
- Physics 360 Day 1
- Motion in Polar Choords
#flo #uncompiled
1 Day 1
- KBhPHYS360Day1
- HW
- Dylan: KBdPHYS360Day1HW
2 The Projectile Motion Chapter
First, on energy: KBhPHYS360Energy
2.1 And a bunch of spinny things
- KBdPHYS360TranslationalRotationalKE
- KBhPHYS360RotationalKineticEnergy
- and deriving it: KBhPHYS360RotationalKineticEnergyDerivation
- And more on rotational inertia, and kinematics
3 Shooting Project!
- The raw notes on trajectory: KBhTrajectoryOptimization
- KBhTrajectories
- KBhMarbleLauncher
- KBhNewtonsLawsAgain
- KBhInertialCircularMotion