
American Revolution!!

Houjun Liu 2021-10-05 Tue 09:59

1 A Bad, Brief Timeline of the Revolution

American Colonial History:

1.1 1760 - French and Indian War, cont'd

French and Indian War sparked a series of hissyfits against each other between Britian and Colonists.

  • Proclamation Line: responses and boycotts
  • Definition of "patriots"/"loyalists" changes

1.2 1770s - The Revolution

1.2.1 1775: Common Sense/Plain Truth

Common Sense vs. Plain Truth published, declared against each other.

1.2.2 1776: Independence Declared

This is a largely plagiarized document, but nevertheless declared independence.

1.2.3 1777: Articles of Confederation

The "13 states" formed, leveraging the Articles of Confederation.

1.2.4 1787: Constitution

The previous one sucked, so we do it better.

2 A Longer, Better Timeline

2.1 The Revolution Starts (not declared war in 1775)

In this time, there are three different groups with different lenses:

  • Patriots: want to declare revolution
  • Apathetic: don't want to fight
  • Loyalists: want to save the British

2.1.1 1775: organized army

Created 2nd continental congresses, Washinton hired privateers (licensed pirates) to fire at enemy shipts.

2.1.2 1775@quebec

American forced invaded Quebec, but that was terrible because they took no account of the weather and failed.

2.1.3 Winter 1775

The American Revolution Starts, but its not officially declared

  • Boycotts forced Government Shutdown
  • Sent the Olive Branch partition to ask for amnesty
  • Declared the colonies in rebellion

2.2 Propaganda about War Starts: 1776

Declare Independence: want to get French Support

2.2.1 Commons Sense

  • French began supplyling gunpower

2.2.2 New Warfare

  • Regional Militia: took cover and shot at smaller regions
  • Used surprised attacks

2.2.3 British Defeats

  • It was not certain that Revolution was successful

2.2.4 Christmas 1776

Crossing the Delaware almost causes lost war.

  • Washinton and attacked the Hessian during Christmas
  • Gamble paid off, crossed tho Delaware and capture their material
  • Had everything that needed to survive from the Hessian

This defeat was big for propaganda purposes, boosted morale and raised confidence.

2.3 Turning Point: 1777

  • Defeated British in Open Warfare
  • French declared public support

Battle of Saratoga

2.4 Paris Peace Treaty, 1783

Signed peace treaty and declared full success

2.5 Ok so now what?

  • Fighting under the "Articles of Confederation": not really united
  • Constitution not written until later

3 Causes for the Revolution

3.1 Ideological

3.2 Technical

  • Americans was on home turf (British through ocean, random cause)
    • Had French support
    • Washinton stood strong and consistent
    • Luck!

4 Revolution Historiography

5 Synthesis

Two: when you synthesize them, how to create the best manifestation of a thesis about the American revolution. There is, of course, no better answer; but there is no best answer.

A good synthesis all have to have a foil.

  • Baylin and Holton: top down
  • Linebaught & Rediker and Breen: bottom up