
French and Indian War

Houjun Liu 2021-10-02 Sat 13:34

An extension upon Colonial America.

1 Background…

The title of something illuminates the perspective.

  • British Name: French and Indian War
  • French Name: 7-Years War (oh yeah btw this war does not last 7 years)

This war manifests themselves between the French and the British so each other calls themselves against each other.

Also, remember this: the only thing worth going to war about is… well.. MONEY.

2 Tensions Brewing

2.1 Benign Neglect: system of British rule

Everything goes into Indian Colonies. Colonists continually spread west looking for land, and exercises a policy of…

Benign neglect: rule as long as production continues, but act autonomously

2.2 Albany Plan: beginning to colonial unity

Albany Plan: colonies would unite to address western-frontier

  • Crown rejects plan because feared colonial unity
  • Colonies reject plan because feared loosing autonomy

And so, it collapses.

3 British and French War Setup

Lot's of fighting around the St. Laurence River with the French, which the crown believes the colonies would support. The French, then, ceded a crap tonne of land after the war to the British.

3.1 The Proclamation Line of 1763

But! The dividing line between newfound British (prev. French) territory was drawn: named Proclamation Line — shoved the colonizers at their old place just to avoid conflict with the Indian allies.

The colonists are pissed off by the British decision (like, they fought a war, and like they can't use the land? smh)

This, of course, this is one of the seeds of the American Revolution: it's really about land, and really about that resources

3.1.1 Changes Instituted by the Proclamation Line

  • Patriot, pre-1763: Crown-loving (loyalists)
  • Patriot, post-1763: Anti-crown

3.1.2 Quartering

To keep troops to protect the frontier, the crown decide to make people "quartered" at people's home.