
Marketplace of Revolution: Breen

Houjun Liu 2021-10-09 Sat 17:33

1 Reading Notes

1.1 Leading to Non-Importation

1.1.1 Farming and self-sufficiency still an attractive image

1.2 The Establishment of Non-Importation

1.2.1 The slump in economy was a tangiable touchpoint for colonists w.r.t. adverse affects of British associations

1.2.2 Initial blame for downturn was those that were extravigant

1.2.3 Opuluence and overpurchase as a response to post-war depression

1.2.4 Wished to achieve higher autonomy of manufacturing

1.3 The Result of Non-Importation

1.3.1 Luxury and Extravagance had to be tuned down

1.3.2 Rhetoric for frugality shifted from as a form of preserving humble provincial origins to that of an act of patriotism

1.3.3 The definition for luxury is also fluid and varied between families

1.4 The Analysis Thereof

1.4.1 Non-Importation movement was ignored as a part of most's analysis of Revolution

1.4.2 :claim: Non-Importation movement as a direct cause of the revolution, which is caused by higher demand for consumeraris

1.4.3 Overpurchasing and reliance in commercialism as a form of "slavish dependence"

2 Thesis

That the colonists shared experience as consumers. The shared experience developed a sense of unity and provided protests in the political marketplace.

3 Evidence

Breen claiming that there is a widespread belief that there is a centralization of values, and the courts came to support the Boston courts.

British troops saw the colonists being luxurious, but really they were just hoarders. :facepalm: Franklin met with the house of commons, which showed that the colonies had a lot of control of the economy, and claimed that they want to have better treatment. Franklin put on a show; colonialism was really great for the British because they would buy British imports.

To keep the colonists in check, the British imposed higher tariffs. Because of the high spending problem: "save your money, and you will save your country."

3.1 A Looksie at Funerals

White gloves were purchased every time for funerals. That stopped because white glove purchase was just giving more money to the British.

4 Critiques

Revolution was a dynamic process. Requires corporation from everyone: crucial for the elites to cut down their spending. The biggest problem exists with people that can't afford it.

Unity in the diverse colonial setting: people are all centered around anti-tax, anti-exploitation.