
Ottomans in the 1500s

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 The Ottomans

When China was failing KBhHIST201MingChina1500, the Ottomans grow w/ Muslimdom — Ottomans were the largest muslim nation in Europe + a serious threat to Christendom.

  • Enjoys control of the silk read
  • Huge landmass
  • Large army (and, large cannons + siege trains)
    • Strong Navy! => deployed frequently in the Black Sea, Constantinople, North Africa

The Ottoman empire grew from small size. However, with Syria and Egypt shrinking 16th century, Ottomans became the biggest Muslim empire. Its less medieval nature represented more the new age, centralized monarchy

1.1 The Rise

1.2 The Height

1.3 The Fall

1.4 CN 09162020


Gelvin, Chapter 3

  • Weakened governmental systems caused "17 century crisis" => whole of the world getting Romanitus
  • "Great Inflation" + the "Price Revolution"
    • Governments used bureaucracies to disempower aristocrats
      • #why not silver based inflation
    • Rulers needed ways for rule legitimization => "Routinization of Chrisma"
      • Finding new means to find new means to find authorities => Could not use expansion to assert authority anymore
      • Leveraged shiny palaces and overcomplicated rituals
    • Claims of why inflation happened:
      • Demographic expansion => Population growth induced
        • More people
        • Post-black-death
      • Dependence aforementioned in and of itself was reason for inflation
        • States spent a large amount of money
        • Kept debasing currencies, causing inflation
        • Resulting in the Vicious Cycle
          • Debasement
          • Governments see debasement, and debase further to recouperate
      • KBhHIST201ProblemsWithSilver Problems with Silver, too!
  • Transition of "WE" => "MWS"
    • 1500s World Empires” => division of world by huge empires
      • Possible for several WE to exist (Ottoman, Safavid, Habsbug, China)
      • Spread through millitary conquest or threatening thereof
      • Self-sustaining and independent
      • Each equivalent to the other #why
        • CLAIM: "no empire was tech. superior to any other. Nor was empire organized in a manner that gave it particular advantage over any other."
    • Late 1500s-now: "world empires =>"modern world system”
      • "Politically fragmented but economically united"
      • Modern world spread influence by bringing outlying districts into a single economic structure
      • Spread and grown through competition, where there are winners and loosers
  • Argument: “how Europe became the core and others became the priperary: winners are in the middle, and others who got pulled in are the loosers