
The Ottomans' Success + Effective Government

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 The Height of the Ottomans

1.1 Ottomans' Governmental Effectiveness

1.1.1 Established official unity

  • Faith
  • Culture
  • and Language
  • Yet Higher tolerance for other races

1.1.2 High Tech Cities

  • Well drained cities
  • Libraries and universities libraries are a strong through-line!
  • Sophisticated language
  • Advanced class system
  • Strength in…
    • Math
    • Cartography
    • Medicine
    • Industry
      • Mills
      • Gun casting
      • Lighthouses
      • Hoursebreeding

1.1.3 Millitary might

  • Used traditional mounted warriors
  • Also gained Christian POWs
    • Lived in barracks and trained all year round
    • Barred from jobs or marryingLived in barracks and trained all year round
    • Barred from jobs or marrying
    • Learned to use guns to support horseback solders
  • Recruited army from Christian youth

1.2 The Ottoman Government, an Overview

See KBhHIST201OttomanGovmntOverview


  • A cosmopolitan empire
    • "Most powerful and best organized"
      • Advanced land forces aforementioned
      • Heavy military technology
      • Millitaryistic govermentment?
        • Cavalrymen admisitered th erural land
