
Ming China in the 1500s

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Ming China in the 1500s

1.1 China has a lot going for it

  • Population 100-130 Mil (Europe has 50-55)
  • Complicated and remarkable culture
  • Large irrigated and fertile land

1.1.1 Riches in technology

  • Huge, state organized libraries
  • Movable type printing
  • Compass
  • Large ships

1.1.2 Advanced trade

  • Stimulated by canal-building and pop. pressures
  • Large iron industry for army and government
  • Gunpowder
  • Larger cities then medieval Europe

1.2 Zheng He + Seafaring

See Zheng He + Seafaring KBhHIST201ZhengHeSeafaring

Also the link above details some reasons why China closed its trade route.

1.3 Economic Corruption

See KBhHIST201ChinasDecline1500 China's Economic Decline in the 1500s

1.4 China's Woes

See KBhHIST201ChinaWoes1500China's Woes in the 1500s

1.5 CN 09302020

#flo #disorganized

  • Problem: china conqurs you

So… Either:

  1. Retreat and defend the southern heartland
  2. Larger barbarians leads larger people => then… Sinufication

KangXi the renaissance man

  • Showed himself as a Manchu who rids and works to the Manchus
  • Showed himself as a well-read guy to the Chinese

Reminder: trade resumed!!