
Guided Problem — Particle Interactions, Coloumb's law

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 And now, a Guided Problem Solve

Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 8.06.36 PM.png

Figure 1: Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 8.06.36 PM.png

Notice! This one is a little different because there are three charges.

We could see that, because of the fact that \(Q_2\) is closer to \(Q3\) then \(Q1\) is and the two particles are pulling in different directions, we could infer that \(||F_{32}||\) is larger then \(||F_{31}||\). Because of this, we could find that \(Q_3\) will have a net force "to the left" — in \(F_{32}\)'s direction.

And, because of that, we know that \(Q_3\) will be accelerating towards the left. But Notice!, whenever \(Q_3\) moves towards the left, the distances between the particles changed, meaning the force acting upon \(Q_3\) changes! Meaning, \(Q_3\)'s acceleration "to the left" is not constant. Unfortunately, then, no equation of kinematics for us :(.