
Watson's Model of States

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Watson's Model

1.1 Types of States

  • Community
    • Ethic group, locale, etc.
  • Political entity
    • Community with governmental support
  • System
    • A system of 2+ communities with involvement
  • Legitimacy
    • A authority point/trust anchor of a community

1.2 Statuses of States

  • Independent state
    • Political entity w/ ability to make independent decisions both externally and domestically (note! it could be influenced by others, and still be independent)
  • Hegemony
    • A political entity within a system that is able to centrally influence the others' EXTERNAL relations
  • Dominion
    • A political entity within a system that is able to centrally influence the other's EXTERNAL and INTERNAL relations
  • Empire
    • A political entity within a system that is able to centrally control the other's ENTERNAL and internal RELATIONS, other political entities in the system are not independent states

See also KB20200825121700 Hux's reading of Watson