
Results of WWI

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 WWI Results

Bellicist theory: centralizing impact due to the millitary and defensive imperitive; such as England, France

Reasons for state marking 1. To get more land! 2. To gain more economic advantage, and the US wanted free trade so they worked against them

1.1 Statemaking by Decree

Europeans drew lines and created "mandate" states — where states attempted to create an instable, dependent states.

Imperalistic Mindsets: states wanted to acquire land because land=security a la imperialism

Economic Benifit: control of key trading ports are benifitial for states welcoming of controlled trade

Cultural Chavanism: white man's burden

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1.2 States of Growth, Modernization Moment

  • Traditional society => subsistence farming
  • Conditions for take off => bulding infrastructure like transportation, monetary system, economy
  • Take off => infrastructure and cultural boom
  • Drive to maturity => new tech improved economy, infrastructure, etc.
  • Maturity => trade expands, 小康

But, :pointup: this framework guides the mandates system and kind of encourages the idea of white chauvenism.

1.3 Dependency Theory

History matters and states don't exist in isolation.

That "Britian and Brazil" are equally modern. That developing nations is just a part of world system of "modernity" and should not simply copy European nations to achieve growth.

Wall yourself off + protecting yourself from global market, and jusifies Socalism and Defensive Developmentalism?

1.4 Cultural pessemism

Europe as the foustein man: rather than western civization is spreading to lift up, Western culture is actually a sickness that's spread across the globe to satiate the European drive and system.

Fashism responding to the crisis that individuals believed that liberal societies are in themselves a wrongness.