#completely #disorganized #flo
1 World War I
Everything has a beginning, middle, and end, so, no surprises here.
1.1 The Beginning: Buildup for European Tension
"WWI really started by the French Revolution" (Clay.) In some respects that's true, there are factors in the European governmental system that leads to the diplomatic collapse we see at the world wars.
For more, see KBhHIST201WWIBeginning.
1.2 Starting the War: Tensions Boiling Over
The mess with the Slavic Nationalists and Bonians directly triggered the war. See KBhHIST201WWITriggering
1.3 The War
The actual war is a hot mess, too! See KBhHIST201WWIActualWar
1.4 The Result
Results of the war: KBhHIST201WWIResults
And then, basically immediately, an essay: KBhHIST201WWIEssayOutlineJack