
The Enlightenment

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 The Enlightenment

#flo #disorganized

  • Somewhere in here, people learned about art again
  • Medival Times
    • "Trading freedom for security"
    • Church provides for community consistency
    • Lords provides for protection
    • Church embodied truth
  • Protestant revolution
    • Church embodied truch => bible embodied truth
    • Encouraged reading
    • Middle class grew, making more people wealthy enough to have time to read the bible
    • Feeling of "this is new and weird"
  • Martin Luther's Theological Challenge
    • Encouraged reading bible by self
    • Encouraged independent thinking
  • Intellectual Pluralism
    • 1550s-1700s
    • European universities => very independent
    • At crossroads of information: combining islamic sciences, Chinese tech, and new discoveries in Americas
      • Copernicus: 1543 — Helleocentric and not Geocentric models
      • Gallieo: Telescope
      • Kepler: Elliptical orbits, planetary motion
      • Newton: gravity, motion, calculus
  • The Enlightment
    • What are people like in the state of nature?
    • Was there a time before government?
    • Can we extract first principles of society and politics?
    • Remember: how will democracy work?