
Mason Ch 1 and 2

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Mason Ch.1 + 2


  • European nations began to make international alliances
  • Shifted power to prevent any one country from becoming too powerful
  • Whole economic system begins to be challenged by the end of the 18th century, when KBhHIST201TheEnlightenment happened, followed by French Revolution, Industrial Revolution, and solidification of the middle class
  • KBhHIST201Enlightenment


  • Applied methods of scientific revolution to study of society
  • Believed natural laws governed human behavior + human institutions
  • John Locke
    • Got on the notion that reason was derived from experience
    • Human nature is essentially good, and character is shaped by education and upbringing
    • Hence, good societies w/ good education will create a better society
    • Man process natural + inalienable rights to life, liberty, and… property?
    • Political communities are formed by popular consent
    • Had huge influence across the Atlantic
  • Jean-Jaques Rousseau
    • "Man is born free, and everywhere he is shackled"
    • Believes that society corrupts and distorts man's natural freedom and equality
    • Negotiated by social contract
  • Adam Smith
    • Applied Enlightenment ideas to economy and market
    • Argued that government inference in the economy violated natural forces of competition, supply, and demand
    • Self-interest could work for the common good
    • Individual greed + private accumulation of wealth => free market forces are at play
    • Argued for system of laissez-faire => daoistic management of economy
    • CLAIM: Ideas ultimately influence the development of capitalism
  • Perhaps one of the causes of the French Revolution
  • Ideas raised by Enlignment => profoundly setting the direction of social order
  • Attacked basis of acien régime
  • Enlightment Influence
  • Introduced governmental reforms
  • Created new ideas on goverment: liberalism, socialism, communism.
  • French Revolution => 1789
  • Although year for the declaration of the Rights of Man, 1789 is overshodowed by a whole timeline
    • 1792 => Louis XVI dethroned
    • 1793 => Louis XVI executed
    • 1799 => Napoleon
    • 1815 => Monarchy is back
  • During the revolutionary period, France perhaps was the most significant country
    • Louis XIV established France as centre of power
      • Most populous
      • Leading in arts and sciences
      • Leading in philosophical thought a la Enlightenment
    • Cause of revolution
      • Long term
        • Socioeconomic change of the 18th century
        • The Freaking Enlightment
        • Weakening monarchy
      • Short term
        • Inefficient tax system got the country stripped of money
        • France also dumped a lot of money on Amercias
        • Created economic depression
          • 1726-1789 => cost of living +62%, wages only +25%
          • British textile caused massive unempolyment
          • 1788 brought with it famine
          • Louis XVI himself is also quite weak
      • The Revolution
        • Third estate (peseant) general decided to go rougue (to a tennis court) when called by the King to discuss tax plans and come up with their own National Assembly
          • "Whenever we meet, there is the nation."
          • The King, noticing this, took the army to quell the third estate generals
          • Millitias began forming throughout the city
          • July 14th, 80,000 people stored Bastille prision + seized the governor of the fortress. This became Bastille day, a French holiday!
          • With this example, peseants began raiding their landlords
        • The suddenly official National Assembly abolished lordish feutal payments + freed the peseants
        • Tennis Court Oath => Won't stop until new revolution
        • August 16th, the Dec. of the Rights of Man was published => the French Dec. of Indp.
        • Reflects Enlightenment Ideals => "natural, inalienable, and sacred rights of man… Liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression"
        • 6000 woman… just decided to chuck the King back into Paris. #how???
        • Then, the National Assembly just pretended that they ran the nation
          • Using monarch as de jurie figurehead
          • Seized all Church property
          • Required clergy election to be public, forced the clergy to be loyal to the nation
          • New constitution was presented => elected legislative assembly w/ king only the power as suspensive veto
      • Louis XVI fled Paris and appealed to all other monarchs => Russian empress declared "affairs of France were the concern of all crowned heads."
      • Prussia and Austria began to try to invade France working with the French king; however, 1792, another insurrection quelled them.
      • The National Convention scratched the monarchy part out of the constitution, and that was that.
  • Then, "normal" politics happened
    • The Manhood sufferange movement 1789 => 1971, at which point it's abandoned
    • Georges Danton + Max Robespirre jockied for power
    • Clubs and meetings established
    • Section assemblies drew many commoners into political activity
    • Then, by a narrow vote, Louis was convicted and confirmed to be executed
  • Then, everyone piled on:
    • Britain Holland, Spain, Austria, Prussia formed a coalition against France
    • the Convention established a Public Safety committee
      • Created a period called The Terror => putting on trial and killing everyone who opposed the revolution
      • 40,000 died under this system
      • And so did the leaders of the Terror Danton and Robespierre
    • After the Terror, the Convention decided the current constitution was not good enough — scrapping it and writing another one after establishing a five-man Directory for executive power
    • The Directory later became illegitamate, causing, you guessed it, a coup d'état that, you did'nt guess it, established the Monarchy again!
  • Napoleon and the coup d'état
  • General in 1793
  • Put down a loyalist uprising in 1795, making him famous
  • Crushed the Austrian forces while he is at it, making him famous
  • Elected cosul in 1802, and just crowned himself in 1804
  • Napoleon acted as the one-man-Directory — creating a system similar to true Constitutional Monarchy
    • Weakened representative institutions
    • Censored the press
    • Put down rebellions
    • Did the Terror, but to both royalists and true republicans
    • Made peace with the Catholic Church
    • Introduced new legal code that is still in French law today
  • France enjoyed prosperity
    • Controlled Spain, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Swizerland, Poland, Croatio, Slovania and some parts of Germany
    • Solidified revolutionary changes + Enlightenment philosophies
    • Spread ideas of the Enlightement through millitary conquests
      • Conquered places
      • Established satellite Republics with constitutions, dec. of rights, legislatures, basic civil equality, and financial, judicial and admin reforms
      • Undermined qualities of feudalism and clone-stamped French legal code everywhere
    • Napoleon's army were unified, fought with common ideals of "liberty, equality, and fraternity" => better than the mercenary armies of Europe
  • Napoleon's luck ending
    • Allied army w/ the Russians fought him, and forced him to abdicate
    • He escaped within a year, becoming the French monarch again, but got defeated once again by the allied army in 1815 battle of Waterloo
    • Banished again to St. Helena, and died
  • The Monarchy Again
  • The (true) Monarchy was installed again! => Louis XVIII became the monarch
  • Kept with the same ideals of the revolution, however, chartering partial freedom of speech + palimentary government
  • Code super unfavorable against woman

1.1 CN10162020

#flo #disorganized

  • Nepolian Debate
  • 4 Factions
    • Radical/Abolitionist
    • Feminist
    • Moderate
    • Conservative <- **

Screen Shot 2020-10-16 at 9.34.07 AM 1.png

Figure 1: Screen Shot 2020-10-16 at 9.34.07 AM 1.png


Figure 2: French Revolution Timeline