
Eng. Assess. 1 — close reading paragraph

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Close Reading Paragraph

"Choose a short story/poem to analyze and synthesize a paragraph."

Guiding question: what does this aspect of the text reveal about the broader theme of the text?

1.1 Assessing on

  • Understanding Literature: Form and Function
  • Close Reading and Argumentation
  • Structure and Mechanics
  • The Writer's Voice

Basically, anything except class citizenship.

Needs to be beyond what was discussed in class.

1.2 Aftercare

  • 12 pt font
  • Double Space
  • 1in font
  • MLA
  • Includes Works Cited + Page Numbers based on packet page numbers. (Citations provided on packet)
  • 8/27 — Assessment Introduced
  • 9/3 — Notes (close reading notes, includes 3-5 sentences that are significant)
  • 9/8 — Paper due