
Close Reading!

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 Close Reading

\definition{Close Reading}{Unpacking the meaning of individual words and phrases in a text.}

1.1 Goals

  • Unpacking the meaning of individual words and phrases in a text
  • Consider effects of author's writers
    • W.r.t. the reader's experience
    • W.r.t. the authors too
  • Connecting a part => Whole
    • Looking for connections
    • Look for implications
    • Look for how a text changes in its contexts "Marian's text w.r.t. Beigin nationalism"
  • Also, a creative effort!

1.2 Framework

#important One way of close reading is to use the following framework:

\definition[Where X is a literary technique, and Y a theme or a broader point]{Close Reading Framework}{The Author uses X to do Y} When annotating, look for…

  • Repetition
  • Irony
  • Metaphores

etc. But, remember that this is only the X. It is not enough to find a device, but you need to analyze why its there.

1.3 The assessment

The First Close Reading Assessment!
