
2021-09-27 Mon 12:00
title: Eng Day One
course: ENG201
author: Huxley Marvit
source: 00-Topic-KB20200823220525

for those reading, I had literally ~30 seconds to write this.

1 Getting to Know You…

What do you love learning about? I love learning about philosophy,and exploring the deeper ideas in a text. What are you most looking forward to this school year? I'm looking forward to the opportunity to learn new things! What is a favorite book or film? I don't have favorites What you want to work on in English class this semester? I want to work on the flow of my essays specifically.

2 Essential Questions

  • How has the tools of colonialism changed
  • How do different cultures understand the relationships between individuals and community?
  • Wifi breaking, missed the others….

With Aime! ### Think-Pair-Share - What is the diff between colonialism and imperialism? - Goal of colonialism is to take over a place and exploit its resources - Goal of imperialism is simply to expand the government - What is globalization? - The connection of the globe! - The idea of increasing interconnectivity between distinct points on the globe - How might globalization compare with imperialism? - Globalization is about connecting, not controlling or adding to a current governmental system.

3 Short Story

KBTheIIsNeverAloneEnglishReadingNotes - Short story notes