
2021-09-27 Mon 12:00
title: The I is Never Alone English Reading Notes
course: ENG201
author: Huxley Marvit
source: 00-Topic-KB20200825141900

KBhENG201TheIIsNeverAlone Jack's Take KB2NotesonTheIIsNeverAlone Exr0n's take

=Mirrors= reflection - same with the parrots? #why

the depth of his solitude

Captures parrots, lets them struggle

Trains parrots while feeding seeds (reward training)

by instructing one another, soon all the parrots on the isle were repeating Siriak's name from dawn to dusk

Colonization? Culture spread / destruction..?

In spite of the continual presence of his self which he was confined to by solitude, he struggled to remember that he also existed outside of himself.

Cannot escape himself due to his solitude Confined to his point of view? Lacks empathy because nothing to have empathy for? Merely as an object, he is not unique?

Siriak walked about his minuscule empire and saw in passing his omnipresent reflection at every turn.

Solitude / not being to escape himself.

Dies, and becomes part of the island. > Bones mix with the sand .. parrots continued to cry out his name, and it reverberated forever

Lasting impact? Legacy? "the I is never alone," because impact always accompanies? Something missing in translation…?