

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Lipids

1.1 Pentaine


Figure 1: pentane-plus-market-400x225.png

A non-polar molecule that build up the fundamentals of lipids.

  • Non polar
  • Will only have LDF
  • Hydrophobic
    • Because it is non polar, will only have LDF
    • So, water's dipole moment makes it not attractive to pentaine
    • Large surface area of pentaine will result in more LDF (bigger surface area => more opportunities to LDF), so pentaines will more likely to LDF with other pentains if given the choice between pentain vs. water

and now, a note on LDF

Pentaine => Carbon-Carbon bonds has 0 EN difference w/ even distribution of electrons

  • Electrons are randomly within their 3D shape
  • So, when electrons are accidentally concentrated, a dipole moment will temporarily form

1.2 And now, actually lipids

Lipids are built up from peintaine molecules. You could also take many of these lipids + other elements to build up more complicated, hydrophobic/phillic structures.
