
Functional Groups

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Functional Groups of Biology

  • Alcohol Group: H-O-R (part of the Carboxyl when R=C, as in H-O-C)
  • Carbonyl: C=O (part of carboxyl)
  • Carboxyl/Carboxylic Acid: H-O-C=O (left side of backbone) Screen Shot 2020-10-12 at 2.29.28 PM
  • Amino/amine — H3N+ (right side of backbone)
  • Amide — RC(=O)NR′R″ (frequently shown in side chains of amino acids — see Amine)
  • Ether: R-O-R (structure of glycocidic bonds formed by dehydration)
  • Ester: R-O-C-O (structure that joins fatty acid and glycerol together)
  • Hydroxyl: OH group. Need I say more?