
Amino Acids, Functional Groups

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00


1 Amino Acids

1.1 Basics

1.1.1 Functional Groups

Components of amino acids that, well, build an amino acid (among other things):

See KBhBIO101FunctionalGroups.

1.1.2 The Dang Amino Acids

An Amino Acid is… *(H-O-C=O) Carboxylic acid + Single Carbon Backbone

  • Amine (H3N+)*

At the carbon backbone, any arbiturary thing "R group, or Sidechain" may be connected to it {ring, chain, etc.} that is unique to the amino acid

Here's an amino acid

Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 2.57.31 PM.png

Figure 1: Screen Shot 2020-09-16 at 2.57.31 PM.png

The White parts => "Backbone" aforementioned

The Orange parts => "Sidechain"

A small chain of amino acids are called "peptide". Put many of those together and you get a…

1.2 Protein!

KBhBIO101Proteins are important biological structures formed by dehydrating multiple amino acids together.

1.3 Polymerization

The process by which Amino Acids get chained together to make KBhBIO101Proteins is called "Polymerization via Dehydration."

Take two amino acids, take the H-O out of the alcahol, take the H out of the Amine. Fill the hole with the other one