1 Setup
library(tidyverse) library(TSA)
2 Data Sourcing
We first grab the data.
dataset_raw <- read.csv("./09162021_3rd_fl_jar_small_bead.csv") dataset_tibble <- tibble(dataset_raw #+begin_quote #+end_quote ) # rename tibble titles dataset_tibble <- dataset_tibble %>% rename(time = Time..sec., max_height_x=Max.Height.X, max_height_y=Max.Height.Y)
3 Basic plotting
3.1 Time vs. Max Height
Plot time against max height.
g <- dataset_tibble %>% ggplot() g <- g + geom_line(aes(x=time, y=max_height_y)) g
We should probably chop off the end bit, because that's just the chain flinging itself off.
dataset_sliced <- dataset_tibble %>% slice_head(n=which(dataset_tibble$max_height_y == max(dataset_tibble$max_height_y)))
And plotting again…
g <- dataset_sliced %>% ggplot() g <- g + geom_line(aes(x=time, y=max_height_y)) g
We will do the same thing
3.2 Time vs. X-Value at Max Height
We will plot and slice the same bit too, but for the x-value.
g <- dataset_sliced %>% ggplot() g <- g + geom_line(aes(x=time, y=max_height_x)) g
The wave could be ran through an fft.
dataset_sliced$max_height_x %>% periodogram()
There's more, but I will write that up later.