
Modern Physics Semester 2 Day 1

Huxley Marvit 2022-01-10 Mon 19:42

#flo #inclass

1 Semester 2, day one!

"we are made of start stuff" - the way the universe understands itself? #cool

intros! sick.

we are gonna go into: - relativity - special relativity, - general relativity - spacetime and such - nuclear phys - quantum - atomic theory - the standard model - quantum gravity - then, dark matter and such! physic@nueva!

but, we are gonna start at special relativity the intro was, KBxSpecialRelativityIntro this is a special case, when the reference frames are not accelerating

u is defining a frame of reference, where v is the velocity of something she is watching? monica is x

we can draw the t' axis, which is the primed frame of reference slope is 1/u! the point is, as she slides along the line, she will always stay at x=0.

x determines t=0

x axis stays constant w/ x'

1.1 equations

\(x' = x - ut\) \(t'=t\) \(v' = v - u\) only if the reference frames intersect at \(t=0\)!