

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 Silicon

  • Integrated circuits changed computer circutries
  • Circuts's sillicon purified as polycillion chunks
    • The cubic seed will form a new cubic sillicon
    • Impurities added to sillicon to cause it to conduct
    • Negative charged free carrier (asinic) => n type
    • Positive charged carrier (boron) => p type
  • Christle ground to form ingots
  • Then, sliced thin as wafers
  • Wafers are then ground thin + removed of surface contaminates
  • Then, wafers are checked for resistivity
  • CMOS
    • n-type transitior sandwich a p type region
    • A charge on the gate wolud cause the charge to go through from source => drain
    • Vise, versa
  • Meaning, when the P-N circut combinations are on, the N-P combination is off
  • High temperature used to grow sillicon dioxide to protect the sillicon as sillicon interacts with pure exygen
  • Photoresist smeared on the wafer, and light is exposed to each part to etch patters
  • Then, lazers/plasma/acid guides etching of the wafer suface
  • Plasma implimant impurities to cause conductivity
  • Photoresist then washed off
  • The wafer is then cleaned off

Then, the actual circut wires are introduced:

  1. Deposition of sillican oxite
  2. Photolithagraphy, masking + etching
  3. Depositivion of tusten as pulig
  4. Deposition + potterning of alluminum alloy as wires

Lastly, the water is put into pieces to be placed onto circuts.