Table of Contents
1 The Electroscope
Figure 1: Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 7.31.10 PM.png
About how this works…
- Bring in some external charge near the electromitor (the ball-y part)
- The rod becomes polarized, pushing the \(+\) protons down towards the
"gold leaves"
- If the rod is not close enough to cause electron flow but is close
enough to polarize…
- Gold leaves temporarily push apart because positive repels positives
- When charged rod removed, leaves come back
- If the rod is close enough to cause \(e^-\) to flow out of the
electromitor, making the whole rod more positive instead of a
temporary polarization…
- Gold leaves permanently (until somebody/the air discharges it, anyways) separated
- When charged rod removed, leaves stay put
- If the rod is not close enough to cause electron flow but is close
enough to polarize…