
2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

title: Zachary First Reading Notes
author: Zachary Sayyah
course: PHYS201
source: KBhPHYS201QuantumWorldBookNotesIndex

1 How to Deal with Large and Small

  • Scientific notation is required to deal with large and small quantities
    • This is required in much of particle physics since particles tend to be very small and fast
  • People also tend to create more fitting units for a specific application

1.1 Units

Fentometers are used as a unit of measurement in the atomic world. They're \(10^{15}m\).

For speed we use fractions of the speed of light c ~\(3*10^{8}m/s\)

Volts are used for charge.

Particle Masses can also be expressed in eV units. Particle masses are actually pretty large with the eV unit.

Planck Size is about \(10^{-35}m\)

Angular Momentum can be measured in h-bars which are Planck's constant divided by 2π

1.2 Relative Scales Distance

  • The nucleus takes up a very small amount of a particle
    • Comparison drawn here is a basketball in an airport for a large nucleus and a golf ball for smaller ones
  • Electrons occupy in a probability distribution the rest of the space more or less
  • The only viable way to measure distances that small are through scattering experiments involving shooting electrons at say a proton and observing the scatter pattern
    • The diameter of 1 proton is approximately 1 fermi
  • We live in a relative distance average
  • Short Wavelengths can also be observed to estimate the size of such small particles
  • The Planck size is the smallest meaningful distance before spacetime breaks down into quantum foam

1.3 Relative Scales Speed

  • The fastest anything can go so far as we know is the speed of light
  • It's hard to get anything close to the speed of light, but for stuff like particle accelerators and cosmic rays it isn't super uncommon to get close
  • Mass being the reluctance to accelerate means that the mass-less photon should be the fastest particle requiring no energy to reach the speed of light. For anything to go faster would be difficult.
    • However, physicists have studied the Tachyon which is theoretically capable of doing so but has not been discovered and also creates strange circumstances

1.4 Relative Scales Time

  • The longest known time is the lifespan of the universe
    • This is currently estimated to be about 13.7 billion years
  • The speed of light is the natural link between distance and time measurements

1.5 Relative Scales Mass

  • Mass is a measure of inertia meaning how hard something is to accelerate
  • We measure particle's speed by measuring their resistance to acceleration with knowledge of their speed
  • With particle masses it becomes more sensical to use MeV instead of kg since the units make more sense

1.6 Relative Scales Energy

  • Energy and its conservation make it perhaps one of the most important things in physics
  • Kinetic energy and mass energy are the most important types when it comes to particles
    • Rest mas is different from mass
  • Mass represents a highly concentrated form of energy
    • A little mass leads to a lot of energy while a lot of energy can yield a little mass
  • In the subatomic world mass and energy are typically both measured using the electron volt

1.7 Relative Scales Charge

  • Electric charge is that thing that makes a particle attractive to another type of particle
  • If the Gluons are overcome by the repulsion of the protons a nucleus will break apart
    • This is why there is a cap for how large an atom can be realistically since it would require too much energy to keep together than the gluons can offer
  • Negative and positive is entirely arbitrary they are just opposites

1.8 Relative Scales Spin

  • Spin occurs with anything from the largest galaxies down to the smallest particles
  • Angular momentum is used to measure both orbital motion and rotation on one's own axis
    • Fundemental particles have measurable angular momentum, but a rate of rotation cannot be specified
      • Planck's constant divided by 2π is the fundamental quantum unit of rotation
  • Difference in spin is drastic enough for us to call particles with different spin new particles
  • All electrons have the same spin
    • Spin is quantized and things such as electrons are either "up" or "down"