
Maff Self Eval

Huxley 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00


As we reach the end of the semester, re-read your listening log from mid-semester conferences and review your notes and reflections. Keeping in mind all that you have learned and accomplished since midterms, write four or five bullet points describing (1) example(s) of your success or growth and (2) specific goals in regard to math knowledge,  skills and practices, and class participation. 
  1. example(s) of your success or growth and
  2. specific goals in regard to math knowledge, skills and practices, and class participation.
  3. I think that I understood the concepts well, and never resorted to a formulaic approach.
  4. Without really ever being taught algebra, I'm glad to know that it is not really holding me back.
  5. One goal for next semester is to continue to try and understand math conceptually.
  6. While virtually always contributing in my breakout room (just like my other breakout room members), I did not always contribute to discussions in the main room. It's hard to do so in a Zoom environment; I want to figure out how to overcome this challenge next semester.