
Dont read this man

Huxley 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00


Write one or more paragraphs about your academic habits of learning so far this
semester. What have you been doing well? What can you improve?
Aspects you could consider include: participation in class and contributions to the learning environment, productivity and engagement in class (whether in whole-class discussion, or collaborating in breakout rooms), organization of work, maintaining notes, timely submission of homework assignments, incorporating feedback on your work, making corrections to
your notes and homework, asking questions and practicing self-advocacy, etc. You should
also describe your level of effort on assignments and homework and your willingness to try challenges.

The semester thus far has been an incredibly strange experience. It is my first entirely remote semester, with almost no one that I knew before the lock-down. While I'm active in breakout rooms, this makes it harder to participate in class discussions. I would like to work on this. In breakout rooms, we all work together in and out of class to better each others understanding. Just like in-person classes, I have worked hard to understand the material well and turn in my work on time. At times on the homework I have felt 'burnt out' in a sense after doing multiple pages of essentially the same question, leading to me not feeling up for completing the bonus problems. This is something I would like to problem solve. I have not yet received a lot of feedback on my work, but when I do, I will be happy to incorporate it. As for my willingness to try challenges, I am actually more willing (or more excited) to try challenges rather than 'normal' problems. I find them a lot more interesting. All in all, so far I think this has been a great semester, and I'm looking forward to the rest of it!