
Day 1 with Veena

Houjun Liu 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 General Aftercare

  • Assignments on Canvas (preferably a PDF)
  • Collaborate as much as possible
    • Learn and share ideas together
    • Collaborate well together
  • Nikhil TAing!! ;)
  • ~30 mins of HW/class period. time the assignments and write it down on top.
  • Tests are take home, duh (COVID NOISES!!), and are Assigned Wednesday, Due on Monday)

Expectations * A notebook should be maintained + some solved sample problems * Homework assigned each class * HW graded for Habits of Mind rubric * One graded assignments every two weeks or so

Textbooks: Screen Shot 2020-08-24 at 1.11.22 PM.png

2 Knowledge Points This Semester

  • Limits
    • Eplison delta proofs
    • Limit laws
    • Evaluating functions
    • Prove limit laws
  • Continuity
    • Types of continuity + discontinuity
    • Define continuity
    • Immediate value theorem
      • Application +
      • Boundedness
  • Derivatives
    • Limit definition of derivatives
    • Define differentialibity
    • Understand how the first and second order derivatives
    • Talor Series approximations
    • L'Hospital rules for limits w/ indeterminate rations, indeterminate products, indeterminate products
    • a final project

Everything you use on tests must be derived by you.

=> Make test corrections + consider reassessing (immediately) if necessary + meet with instructors & TAs during Wednesday lunch or Friday tutorial

3 So, what is Calculus?

  • The analysis of change
  • Study of curves
  • Study of rate-of-change

3.1 Rate of change

We have seen this before: Slopes!

The rate of change tells you the relation in the trend of the graph. Think! Negative and positive functions!

\definition{First order rate of change}{How much is the function changing over a period of time?} \definition{Second order difference}{How much is the rate of change changing over time?}