
Calculus Introduction with Nas

Exr0n 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

1 Math Is

  • "…take a moment to delight in the question itself;"
  • Inspirations
    • Measurement | paul lockhart
    • the jazz of physics | Stephon Alexander

1.1 Advice

  • the best problems are your own
  • collaborate
  • let it be hard. try not to get discouraged or to take your failures too personally.
    • just be yourself and go where you want to go. instead of being tentative and fearing failure or confusion, try to embrace the awe and mystery of it all and joyfully make a mess
  • do not ignore symmetry "a proof is simply a story… the plot not only has to make logical sense but also be simple and elegant."
  • improve your proofs; critique your work, let a problem take you where it takes you
  • try things. Guess. As you do more math, your intuition and your instincts will sharpen…to provide sensitivity to structure

1.2 Interdisciplinary Cross Fertilization

  • borrow analogy from what "might, at first glance, be a complexly unrelated discipline."
  • "it is in the limits of these analogies where there exists a need for further research."
  • "what are you getting at?" "I don't know."

1.3 Book Recommendations

  • Journey through Genius

1.4 Syllabus

1.5 Collaboration

[email protected]

You should advocate for yourself and schedule 1 on 1 meetings even when you aren't struggling. This should happen every other week or so.

Nas is free from blocks 1-4 + tutorial times.

1.6 For Next Class

  • Reccomended reading [[.org][]]
  • Math/Calculus books, videos