
day one

Huxley Marvit 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

Table of Contents

math time!

- state problems clearly
    - find and display assumptions!
- iterate from simple -> real world
    - not pure math!

raking problem: - optimal way to rake a lawn

1 day two?

apply math, not learn new math

10 big problems

5 have substantial write-ups problem 10 we get to choose ourselvs all in groups!

we get to do computer sims!

modeling: translate something in the real world into mathematics

wont surpirse her if we use computer sims freqently but they arnt the only thing in our answer more readable than nns?

looking stuff up: don't look up how to solve the problem! can look up math concepts, but dont try to find someone else's solution duh