
Comap Index!

Huxley Marvit 2022-02-27 Sun 10:04


1 Comap Index

we win these. oh hey, we actully do!


notes for next time!

dont over mathematise if you can do it with a simpler tool, do it!

if you take something off the shelf, make it unique or modify it they like creativity! "they have a tendency to mistake naivitae for creativity"

first page is really important > think about as a elevator pitch for why you should win

have an intro paragraph! re-explain the problem the summary might be less important for the next contest cus less papers

part 2 & 3 are the parts that m3 is actully judging on ask ted about the m3 winners recording

1.1 specific feedback

pg 5, justification 4 wanted a discussion for what the variables meant

we want to have the first equation super clear! make understanding it easy. > assume the judge is 5, well, maybe not five

have it explained!

assumption five was confusing? :((

kathy thinks that our paper is comparable to the outstanding ones! go us!

the AHP was to packaged (too much "in a box")

thing that struck kathy about all the papers: made the program, and then backed out the math and explained that carefully might be a nice way to think about it if you get a decision making problem instead of living in a computer program, it has to live in the math modeling paper explaining clearly what we are going to do is good, and then explain stuff under the hood carefully!

start at page three! go to 25! !! they triage based on page one. make it good!

also, include code! need to make sure u didnt just use someone elses model

figure out the rules about appendicies! be careful with short snippets of code

sensitivity analysis! they outstanding paper claimed they did it, but it was only a third of the page. did they really do it…? sensitivity analysis is a very important part of modeling our evaluation was all qualitative. next time, try to do sensititvity analysis. this is more mature modeling

the judges care if our figures look clean, just like people respond to how put together a presenter looks

1.2 matlab spheile

  • never write a loop!
    • matlab stands for matrix labatory
    • everything is optimized for matricies
    • everything we would normally loop for, represent it as vectors and matricies
    • the exception: if it iterates over time, then you have to do a loop.
    • this is a big paradigm shift. talk to people who know what they are doing!

1.3 the drought problem

concept of the minimum bar ask: what would a teacher this math subject appears to be closest too have in their mind about what they hope to see?

1.4 back to the comp

make it try to look simple, instead of trying to make it look flashy!

explain the question we are trying to answer at the beginning of each thing

use our integral signs sparingly

this is about modeling what humans do, not about what celestial bodies do list :clap: the :clap: major :clap: appliances :clap:

make things look simple!

a judge might be thinking: which of the equations are actully in the model?

the model section should have a list of calculations that you are going to do for the model. have the explanantions and justification elsewhere

make it clear why things matter

other papers just assumed they could carry a charge for the next couple of days, not a whole season / year like we did

reiterate what the variables are! assume the judge has already read a whole bunch of papers, and their eyes are glazing over.

in ahp, make sure it's not out of a box!

worrys that tahoe is elitist

put quantatative things in the evaluation!

keep a running list of citations, as we go!