
2021-10-02 Sat 17:11

Table of Contents

1 Linear Dependence Lemma

  • Why do we care that j is the largest element? #question
    • So we can add up everything before it? Just arbitrary?
    • Oh, so we can cancel everything after it.
    • Can also choose the smallest, it's just about segmenting
  • How does 2.22 work? #question
    • To get to 2.22, subtract everything but \(a_j v_j\) from both sides of \(a_1v_1+...+a_mv_m=0\)
    • Everything past \(v_j\) has to equal 0.
    • So we get \(a_j v_j = -a_1 v_1 - ... - a_{j-1} v_{j-1}\)
    • Divide by \(a_j\) and we get 2.22
    • Thus, \(v_j\) is a linear combination of the other vectors
    • And in the \(span(v_1,...,v_j-1)\)
  • What \(v_j\) is it replacing? #question
    • It's replacing what's in the "…", which is unclear.. is \(v_j\) actually in the equation then? Or just in the value? #question
    • Now, we can remove the \(j^{th}\) finally, and represent it as the linear combination of the previous elements
    • \(\therefore\) any element of the span can be represented without \(v_j\) This is called a direct proof! Also, we can iterate this process until we get a linearly independent list.