
First Test Review

Huxley Marvit 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

#flo #disorganized #inclass

1 Test :clap: review 👏


dot product -> scalar, thus not closed!

we will learn about the determinant before the cross product

1.0.1 system of equations

don't do substitution when doing lin alg can represent system of equations with a matrix – can solve with matricies matrix of coef * the vars advantage: cleaner, easier to enter into a computer

parralel systems

benifit in both directions -- understanding one helps us understand the other and vise versa

1.0.2 questions

  • |a| |b| costheta
  • dot product to calc magnitude
    • dot by itself then sqrt
  • system of equations with matricies, what do we multiply by
    • to mul row by x: take identity, swap out y index 1 with x
    • can just add, but not on the other side?
      • some type of decomp?