
Linear Algebra Self Eval

Huxley Marvit 2021-12-04 Sat 15:40

#ret #ref #hw

1 Self Assessment

1.0.1 Skills and Practices

Previous -> New

  1. Explore and Organize

    Proficient -> Exemplary More recently for some of the harder problems, my strategy has shifted to first finding branches of concepts and results relating to the problem. For example, the most recent problem I did involved trying to navigate branching relationships between concepts – the problem ended up being solved by representing our system of equations as an operator, thus allowing us to use the properties of an operator (surjectivity implying injectivity) to solve the problem. The process involved first trying to find branches that we could go down (generating data), navigating these branches (organizing data), and finally solving the problem with the right branch (identifying promising leads).

  2. Generalize and Test

    Proficient -> ~Exemplary The way I try to understand linear algebra is by trying to connect the different concepts we learn and then find the patterns in the connections. While this strategy doesn't help me immensely when memorizing definitions, it makes a huge difference when solving problems or trying to understand new concepts. One of the more tangible ways this strategy manifests is in my note taking system, where I link together concepts to form a graph structure.

  3. Abstract and Symbolize

    prof + exemp

  4. Transform


  5. Strategy

    prof + exemp

  6. Proof


  7. Application

    prof + exemp

  8. Clarity and Articulation


  9. Precision and Accuracy

    found + prof

1.0.2 Habits of Learning

  1. Growth Mindset

    prof + exemp

  2. Community

    prof + exemp

  3. Reflection


  4. Academic Habits
