
Chapter 2C Reading

Huxley Marvit 2021-10-20 Wed 11:19

#flo #hw

1 Dimension

  • how should we define dimension?
    • should make the dimension of \(F^n=n\)
    • nice to define as the length of a basis
      • all basis of a given vector space have the same length
basis len does not on basis
-> any two bases of a finite-dimension vector space have the same length

cool proof!

  • V is finite dimensional
  • \(B_1\) and \(B_2\) both bases of \(V\).
  • Thus, \(B_1\) is linearly independent in \(V\) and \(B_2\) spans \(V\)
    • by @axler-2.23 (len of lin indepedent list \(\leq\) len of spanning list)
    • len(\(B_1\)) \(\leq\) len(\(B_2\))
    • swap \(B_1\) and \(B_2\)
      • len(\(B_2\)) \(\leq\) len(\(B_1\))
      • therefore, \(B_1\) and \(B_2\) need to be of equal len.
title: dimension
the *dimension* of a finite-dimensional vector space is the len of any basis of the vector space.
denoted as dim $V$ if V is finite-dimensional
  • which are all the same!
title: dimension of a subspace @2.38
if $V$ is finite-dimensional and $U$ is a subspace of $V$, then dim $U\leq$ dim $V$.
  • linearly independent list of the right length is a basis
title: linearly independant list of the right length is a basis @2.39
suppose $V$ if finite-dimensional. Then very linearly indepedent list of vectors in $V$ with length dim $V$ is a basis $V$
  • makes sense, because linearly independent list with the len of the dimension has to include all the info, and thus it spans, and thus it is a basis.
    • we don't need to check that it spans!
      • instead, we just need to check that it is linearly independent and that it has the same len as the dim
  • why does the list being linearly independent mean that its dim is >= 3? #question @axler-2.41
  • what??? #question what is happening at the end of @axler-2.41
title: spanning list of the right length is a basis @2.42
suppose $V$ is finite-dimensional. Then every spanning list of vectors in $V$ with length dim $V$ is a basis of $V$.
  • every list of vecs which both spans and is the same len as the dim is a basis.
    • because in order to span, you need all the info
    • and to be the len of the dim, you can't have repeat info
    • so it's a basis.

1.0.1 formula for dimension of sum of two subspaces

in a finite-dimensional vector space.

like counting formula: - the num of elems in the union of two finite sets is the num of elems in the first set + the number of elems in the second set - the overlap (intersection)

title: dimension of a sum @2.43
if $U_1$ and $U_2$ are subspaces of a finite-dimensional vector space, then 
$$dim(U_1+U_2) = dim U_1 +dim U_2 - dim(U_1\cap U_2)$$

#review the ending proof.