
Chapter 2A Reading Notes

Huxley Marvit 2021-10-02 Sat 10:58

#flo #hw

1 Finite-Dimensional Vector Spaces

title: Review
F denotes R or C
V denotes a [[][KBe20math530refVectorSpace]] over F 
  • lin alg does not focus on arbitrary vector spaces
  • it focuses on finite-dimensional vector spaces!
title: learning objectives for the chapter
- span //covered in section
- linear independence //covered in section
- bases 
- dimension
  • notation:
    • lists of vectors:
      • (2,1,4),(3,2,5)
        • list len 2 of vectors in R3
      • n-tuples without surrounding parens
  • linear combination
    • a linear combination of x and y would be any expression of the form ax + by, where a and b are constants ~wiki
    • multiply each element in a list of vectors by an element in F
    • and then add them up!
    • any relation between the element scalar and what's being multiplied? can the scalars repeat? #question
      • yes, yes they can.
  • span
    • the set of all linear combos of a list of vectors
      • denoted: span(v1,…,vm)
    • span of empty list is {0}
    • aka. linear span
  • KBxSpansLinAlg
the span of a list of vectors in V is the smallest subspace of V containing all the vectors in the list

but don't you get out a single vector at the end..? because you add them? #question no! because it's the *set* of all linear combos
  • *finite-dimensional vector space
    • a vector space is called finite-dimensional if some list of vectors in it spaces the space
      • spans the space..?
      • ????
  • linear independence
    • a list of vecors in V where the only choise of a1 … am in F that makes a1v1 + … + amvm = 0 is a1 = … = am = 0
    • uniqe way to get 0?
  • lineary dependant
    • opposite, can get to 0 with non-zero scalars
  • KBxLinearIndependence

#review the end here #todo some exercises