
2B and 2C proofs

Huxley Marvit 2021-10-14 Thu 19:25

#flo #disorganized #incomplete #inclass

1 Proof… presentations?

in room, 317.

1.1 up first, karen.

  • 2B, 4
  • proof by example?
    • uses the contraints given by the problem? then just, plug and chug?
      • plug in knowns for free variables and solve the next?
  • actully, not a proof! doesnt ask for one.
  • free variables! that's the concept here.
if it's a set, use set notation! not words 
  • #review how to take notes on proof presentations.

1.2 Anisha

  • 2B, 5 going in order?
  • ooh, we solved this already?
    • our solution:
      • represent every \(x^2\) as \(x^2+x^3\), then whenever you need x2, just subtract \(x^3\)
  • seems similar up till here
  • proves linear independence
    • just rearange the constants and algebra it
  • proves it spans
    • just proves you can reach \(x^2\) from every \(x^2+x^3\)
  • didn't explicitly say things..

    • proved linear dependence, proved span,
    • but didn't say that these are the things need for a basis
    precise. mathematical. notation! -jana

1.3 Malaika

  • 2.B, 7
  • on the quiz!
  • uhoh, she says it's false.
  • wait a second.. we need at least 3 vectors.. 2 vecs can't possibly fit it…
  • frick, messed that up.

1.4 Sophie

  • with the same problem!
    • \(V=R^4\)
    • v1 through v4 as the standard basis. or not??
  • dammit. shoulda seen that. thought that they were elements in the vectors.

1.5 Joshua

  • 2.B problem 8
  • direct sum means intersection is zero,
  • so when u add them together, u can just show it is linearly independent
  • 0 is in the set of any span of vecs.
    • there is always a linear combo to 0! you need to show it's the only one.

1.6 Davis

  • 2.C 1
  • does the strat of just going back and looking for stuff work?
    • jana, says, yeah! pretty solid.
  • use the appropriate results and qoute them clearly.
  • how to include the actual relevant info:
    • not in parentheticals?
  • how to make stuff not italic!

1.7 Caroline

  • 2.C 3
  • prove:
    • R3 is a subspace of R3!
      • reverse double containment
  • planes that pass through origin in R3 are not = R2,
    • they are isomorphic!
In mathematics, an isomorphism is a structure-preserving mapping between two structures of the same type that can be reversed by an inverse mapping. Two mathematical structures are isomorphic if an isomorphism exists between them.
  • this doesnt make them the same thing, but u can do the property mapping thing
  • to take props from R2 to R3, we need to know more about isomorphic
  • to show a subspace:
    • additive iden
    • SCAMUL
    • addition
    • closed
    • and, also, it needs to live in the parent space.

1.8 Carissa

  • 2.C 4
  • like karen's but with polynomials

fin. until thursday.

%%## Rimer!%%