
Invertibility of Linear Maps

Exr0n 2021-09-27 Mon 11:51

1 invertible, inverse   def

  • A linear map \(T \in \mathcal L(V, W)\) is invertible if there exists a linear map \(S\in \mathcal(W, V)\) such that \(ST\) equals the identity map on \(V\) and \(TS\) equals the identity map on \(W\).
  • A linear map \(S \in \mathcal(W, V)\) satisfying \(ST = I\) and \(TS = I\) is called an inverse of \(T\)
  • If \(T\) is invertable, \(T^{-1}\) denotes the inverse of \(T\)

1.1 careful

1.1.1 the inverse of a map has to be commutative (\(TS = I\) and \(ST = I\))

1.1.2 the target identity is in one space on one side and in the other space on the other side

1.2 results

1.2.1 unique

any invertible map has exactly one inverse

1.2.2 equivalant to injectivity and surjectivity (bijectivity)

See bijectivity. Iff a map is bijective, then it is invertable.

1.2.3 Equivalent Condition with eigenvalues

if a map has zero as an eigenvalue, then it is singular (5.A exercise 21)

1.2.4 non-singular matrices are invertible

1.2.5 operators that are injective or surjective are bijective

1.2.6 matrices with linearly independent columns and rows are bijective