
Fundamental Theorem of Linear Maps!

Exr0n 2021-09-27 Mon 11:51

1 Intuition

In a linear map \(T : V\to W\), the dimension of the domain \(V\) is amount of stuff that you throw away (null space) plus the amount of stuff that does not get thrown away (the column space). If \(T\) is a map from \(V\) to \(W\), then the dimension of the source map \(V\) is the dimension of the null space (everything in \(V\) that \(T\) takes to 0) plus the dimension of the range (all possible things taken to by \(T\))

2 #definition Fundamental Theorem of Linear Maps   def

Suppose \(V\) is finite-dimensional and $T ∈ \mathcal L(V, W). Then \text{range }T is finite-dimensional and \[ \text{dim }V = \text{dim null }T + \text{dim range} T \]

3 AKA: Rank Nullity Theorem

This is a subset of the Fundamental Theorem of Linear Algebra (#todo-expand)