
flo 16

Exr0n 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

#flo #disorganized #incomplete

More proof presentations

\[ \mathbf{R} \text{ vs } \mathbb{R} \]

1 Proof by Induction

Using Axler 2.C 10 as an example.

1.1 Induction building blocks

1.1.1 Base Case:

Prove for the simplest case

Prove for \(\mathcal{P}_0(\mathbb{R})\).

1.1.2 Inductive Step

Show that if case \(n\) is correct, then case \(n+1\) is also correct

Assume that it works for \(\mathcal{P}_i(\mathbb{R})\), then prove it for \(\mathcal{P}_{i+1}(\mathbb{R})\).