
LinAlg flo 14

Exr0n 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

#flo #disorganized #incomplete

1 Administrative bits

  • Will present problems from 2.B and/or 2.C next week
  • Mini quiz, stop yourself after an hour
  • and give your subconscious a chance to think about things
  • No need to say "clearly", "obviously", "evidently"

2 #icr Axler2.C

#source Axler Linear Algebra Done Right 2.C ## Polynomials are vectors - because you can add and scale them and they are kind of nice in general

2.1 The box under 2.38

  • You can't understand a vector space just by knowing the vectors inside
    • you also need to know the field that you are in
    • See 2.A ex5
  • The field that you are over changes your dimension: usually we think of \(\mathbb{C}\) as a vector space over \(\mathbb{R}\), but in this class we think of it as over \(\mathbb{C}\), which means \(\text{dim }\mathbb{C} = 1\)

2.2 Axler2.41

2.3 Axler2.42

  • #tip If it's a spanning list that's the right length, then it's a basis and therefore linearly independent.
  • If it's a linearly independent list and it's the right length, then it's a basis and therefore spanning.

2.4 Axler2.43 Dimension of a Sum

2.4.1 An Example

  • If you have two planes in 3 space, and they intersect at exactly one line, then you can't just add the dimension of the two planes (2+2 = 4 which is more than 3 space can allow).
    • If the planes are parallel, and both subspaces, then we know they both go through the origin and thus are the same plane.

2.4.2 Some tips

  • Usually easiest to get a basis of a subspace by building on instead of taking out
    • for example if you have a slanty plane in 3 space, and you start with standard basis, then you won't even get the slanty plane.

2.4.3 The span is \(U_1+U_2\)

  • Because it's a double containment
    • \(span \subset U_1+U_2\)
    • \(v \in span \implies v = a_1u_1 + \ldots + a_mb_m + b_1v_1 + \dots\)
    • For all \(u\). in the span, you can write it as something in \(U_1\)
      • something in \(U_2\)