
LinAlg Flow

Exr0n 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

1 Looking forward

  • Will use canvas's discussion board in the future.
  • Assume matrices have real numbers

2 Solving with Matrices

  • Elementary matrices (like \(\left[\begin{matrix}1 &-2 \\ 0 &1\end{matrix}\right]\))
  • Steps walk through
    • Start with \(\left[\begin{matrix}a&b\\d&e\end{matrix}\right]\) (the coefficient matrix).
    • You want to get somewhere such that \(\left[\begin{matrix}1x\\0y\end{matrix}\right] = \left[\begin{matrix}c\\f\end{matrix}\right]\)
    • And ultimately \(\left[\begin{matrix}1&0\\0&1\end{matrix}\right]\left[\begin{matrix}x\\y\end{matrix}\right]=\left[\begin{matrix}{ans}_x\\{ans}_y\end{matrix}\right]\)
    • srcD3SolveWithMatricies.png

3 Matrix Inverse Formula

  • I should technically know this already.

3.1 Derivation

\[ \left[\begin{matrix}a&b\\c&d\end{matrix}\right] \left[\begin{matrix}w&x\\y&z\end{matrix}\right] \left[\begin{matrix}aw+by&ax+bz \\ cw+dy&cx+dz\end{matrix}\right] \\∴

\begin{split} aw + by = 1\\ cw + dy = 0\\ ax + bz = 0\\ cx + dz = 1\\ \end{split}


4 Matrix Operations

  • If we have a set of objects that are almost groups in under both addition and multiplication, then it's called a field
    • 2x2 Matrices aren't quite close enough on the multiplication (too many no inverses) but we can work with other sizes. ### Vector Products
  • Matrices of dimension \(n\)x\(1\)
  • What multiplications on vectors are "nice"?
    • Transpose the first (left) one and multiply normally, then squish 2x2 into 2x1
    • Cross product
    • Element wise (is closed)
    • Take every element and multiply them all together, and then duplicate?
      • No, no identity
    • Any one to one mapping?
      • No, identity doesn't work if it's on the left.