
School of Though on American Revolution InClass Prezs

Huxley Marvit 2021-10-06 Wed 10:41

#flo #incomplete #inclass

1 Hilton

courtesy of @exr0n: Forced founders (1999) (historiography book) - argument - cause was due to economic situation in colonies and England - chapter 1: viewpoints of the elite and land prospectors - colonists wanted to move west, but Britain wanted to prevent them from going west and getting into a war - chapter 2: two classes of British traders - economic and trading clash (taxes) - debtor and creditor relationships - forced immigration? - => wanted free market and free trade, which meant they needed independence - neoprogressive school - because it is economically motivated - each chapter focuses on a different way of how not being independent hurts them - discussion - colonial relationship: Britain uses debt and taxes to keep the population subservient

2 Gordon Wood

  • radicalism of the american rev
  • split between noble elite and common fold
    • then the gap was bridges and reduced
  • mostly through social lens
  • "radical social ideas of equality"
  • united through common belief
    • best examined through the change in the lives of the common folk
  • classical republican values predominated?
  • historiography!
    • neowig
  • social! united through values!
    • was not driven by the need for social change, but it create it?
  • doesnt consider motivation by the powerful!
  • land -> wealth
    • no class hierchy or fuedal system? so we get the american dream?
  • natural meritocracy over hereditary wealth
  • the goal: be disintrested in wealth! ie, have enough wealth to not have to worry.
    • right now, wealth is kinda its own pursuit, not a means to an end

3 Bernard Bailyn

  • ideological origins of the american revolution
  • part 6!
    • colonist text were legit, used newspapers alot
    • writters!
  • a lot about economics, a lot of primary sources
  • influenced by british political radicals
  • taxes -> british is hoplessly corrupt
  • britain -> escalating conflict & enslaving america
  • it was britains fault!
  • not chronoligal
    • more about ideas that guided ethos
      • also where the ideas came from and the people behind them
  • corrupt british
  • we care becauseeeee
    • primary sources
    • analysis of rational colonists
    • popular opinion of british
    • reductionist!
      • factual, not phycoanalysis? okkk
  • america as noahs arc for liberty
    • pitts america vs. british
  • disconent -> movement?
    • need to create an ideology that expresses the discontent
    • articulate the nebulous grivences!
      • liberty, conspiriacy -> vehicles
  • classic revisionist history?
    • uh, not in the normal sense

4 linebaugh & rettier

  • multiheaded "hydra"
  • similar to new left
  • based on the proletariat
    • the working class, not the elite -> thus, it's new left
  • main arg:
    • all about class differences
      • not just a few 'great men'
    • highlights disenfranchised
    • 3 main sections:
      • sailors,
      • slaves,
      • mobs
  • what comes around, goes around.