
Middlekauff reading

Huxley Marvit 2021-09-27 Mon 12:00

#flo #hw

1 The Stamp Act Crisis

  • things were not easy to accomplish?
  • stamp act set off a crisis
  • masachusetts was a good example offf
    • where a political standoff which inhibited rpotest was broken then intensified conflict
  • smt in massachusets during 1765
    • the political division produces paralysis as opposed to the normal violence

1.0.1 the sons of liberty

aka. the loyal nine. they wanted to do violence didnt have people with high status

got the mob to not like the stamp act killed some people, made some symbols

coudnt really get rid of em, they didnt listen to the authority at all

1.0.2 stamp act repealed!

"no taxation without representation"

  • idea of property:
    • personal possesions, or more conceptuals: rights, freedoms, equality, ect
    • draws parreles about possesion
  • ?????? this reading is all over the place

2 Sugar

  • colonists: needs to be able to trade without intense tax to be able to grow econ
  • new prime minister: good, gets rid of all corrupt officials
  • smuggling: colonies are smuggling goods to trade with people other than britain because its more profitable
  • smuggling charges were being pursucuted in colonial courts
  • judges sympathetic to colonists
  • custom officials captured a ship
  • yatta yatta
  • british were getting salty cus colonists were roudy